Client Agreement Form

Each session or class that is offered here at The Evolution of You will include an agreement between client and mentor. Each of these services has a purpose that may not be what is expected. The best way to come in for these sessions is to be open for anything that is about to happen.

In Tarot Readings, I cannot answer medical, legal, lottery, or death inquiries. This is illegal, and unethical and a serious matter to predict without the training and background of a doctor, therapist, lawyer, or financial advisor.

The best way to prepare for a Tarot Reading is having a specific question due to personal growth, self-developmental growth, spiritual growth, love and relationships, career and life balance. Freewill states that events can change. A tarot reading does not have control over the events of your life. A Tarot reading will give you suggestions of events to prepare for. If there is an expectation for every given question to be answered this will not be applicable. I will be honest, direct, and clear with you if this is a question I can answer. The less expectations for your experience, the more there will be to come. The same applies for an Oracle card reading, Mediumship Reading, Psychic, Empathic, or Natural Channeling session. I am able to provide a service in a holistic, energetic, and coaching way.

In Reiki Healing or Energy Clearing sessions, please come prepared with the knowledge that this is also an experience to stay open to without expectations. Ethically, I provide a service as a conduit for your healing. In a Reiki session, what is expected as an agreement to consider is that you are healing yourself with guidance from universal life force energy and you are receiving that energy and giving yourself the permission to release with that energy flowing through you. As an Intuitive Reiki Practitioner, I will provide guidance from my spirit team and yours as we enter each chakra. It is possible that you may or may not experience a resonation with the following information. That part is up to you to stay open to the process of receiving. I am a facilitator and channel for an energetic tool to help speed up the healing process that is a part of your responsibility. It is also your responsibility to rest well before your session, stay hydrated prior, and to stay hydrated after. I will of course remind you of the importance of hydration. Reiki is a purge of emotions, dis-ease and inflammation of the body that is stagnant in your frequency. As you let go of the energetic weight, you will make space in your body to feel crystal clear. Headaches after a Reiki healing are normal. This is your body integrating and acclimating to the new energy you are making space for.

In a Luxunis Method TM session, whether this be your first attunement, or your next boost, the same rules apply for your healing. Luxunis and Reiki are not the same, however they have similar concepts. Receptivity for your healing and what happens in this session is also up to you. In a session as such, you sign a contract to be assigned a new blue print and framework by Metatron and Malchezadeck. I have been attuned to this method by Shakti Wallace who is the High Priestess and conduit that is an avatar for the Luxunis Method. I am a level two Practitioner that has the ability to allow you to evolve through the connection of ONE energy. This will ascend you, with your permission, as you receive this energy work, and will reactivate the purpose and mission of something you may have signed in a contract many life times prior. If you feel called to a session as such, please know you may contact Shakti Wallace as well to get more information about the Method if you’d like to better understand before pursuing this session with me. There will be papers to sign before proceeding forward.

In a Channeling session with my unseen friend Calle, it is important to acknowledge and know that in a session as such, I do go into a deep trance state, and allow Calle to come through and talk to you. They are a Galactic Collective Consciousness. They will guide you to a place of the here and now, and yes, will answer any questions you might have. They are fond of discernment, and trusting your own gut, but will help guide you along the way. They are fond of helping you as well through meditations, and helping you find a connection to your own unseen friends. The journey of meeting your ONE main guide to work with as a Channel is interesting, and different for everyone. If you are interested in a session as such it is best to come in with questions. They are fond of helping you be in a transformational setting and space, and will allow you the room with plenty of discernment and trust for your path to flow, and grow. It is all about what you are willing to receive. If there are any questions you have about this going forwards, you are welcome to send me an e-mail.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are emotions that are coming up after your Reiki session, Luxunis session, reading, or channeling. It is normal and expected to experience more emotions and tears after a healing session has been done.

Upon scheduling a session or class, a non-refundable deposit of at least 25% of the total price will be required, with the rest of the price being due the day before the session or class purchased. Payment in full can be delivered with the deposit as an option. However, any amount that is paid in the initial deposit is non-refundable. Credit, Debit, Cash, and Electronic Payments are acceptable transactions. Checks will not be accepted as a form of payment. Electronic payments can be accepted through Venmo, PayPal, or

Each session is an integration process of receiving love, information, and guidance from my unseen friends, your spirit team, and mine. If this is the first time scheduling a session with The Evolution of You please go over the agreement. This is important that we are both on the same page. Your needs are very important to us here at The Evolution of You and we encourage an open mind to what is here. Thank you for following the guidelines. Please call prior to your session as well so we can discuss the following terms. That way we are both on the same page before we start your session. For an increase in value taken from the program, scheduling repeat sessions is both suggested and encouraged.

For any questions regarding the Client Agreement, please reach out via email to