Tarot Readings give guidance on your past, your current path, and what to prepare for in the potential future. The Tarot also gives you awareness of things that might be helpful to awaken a clear mind. In a session with me, I will facilitate sessions to ease your mind, ease your worries, and give guidance that will help reduce stress in your mind set. The Tarot will show you the hidden truth. I also, will use Oracle cards if you have a question about love and relationships, in addition, to your Tarot card reading. These tools do work very well together for further, direct, clarity. At times, it can help facilitate an awakening of a truth that you are ready to integrate and heal. We have freewill, so let go of the timeline or the map in the cards to be linear. Facts are that you can change anything with how you choose to react and respond. If you do want a glimpse into the future, be prepared for what is to come with an open mind, and a present attitude without any expectations. My Spirit Guide will relay channeled messages directly to me to share directly with you to answer any and all questions. Allow the energy to flow and take with you what resonates, and let go of what does not. Allow the reading to give you peace and consider what is suggested with an open mind.