
Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings give guidance on your past, your current path, and what to prepare for in the potential future. The Tarot also gives you awareness of things that might be helpful to awaken a clear mind. In a session with me, I will facilitate sessions to ease your mind, ease your worries, and give guidance that will help reduce stress in your mind set. The Tarot will show you the hidden truth. I also, will use Oracle cards if you have a question about love and relationships, in addition, to your Tarot card reading. These tools do work very well together for further, direct, clarity. At times, it can help facilitate an awakening of a truth that you are ready to integrate and heal. We have freewill, so let go of the timeline or the map in the cards to be linear. Facts are that you can change anything with how you choose to react and respond. If you do want a glimpse into the future, be prepared for what is to come with an open mind, and a present attitude without any expectations. My Spirit Guide will relay channeled messages directly to me to share directly with you to answer any and all questions. Allow the energy to flow and take with you what resonates, and let go of what does not. Allow the reading to give you peace and consider what is suggested with an open mind.


Oracle Readings

Oracle Cards are very non-traditional. They can be used for any kind of reading you want to connect with. I also utilize these tools in my Tarot Readings at times to broaden the view. This opens and expands for more understanding, and more depth for what kind of reading you are intending for. Most importantly, it gives you encouragement on your path and the knowledge you are willing to embrace that will focus on the here and now. Oracle cards connect you with your oneness, your rawness, your wholeness. They bring very positive messages about your journey and will be straight forward with the shadows within you that you want to integrate into your authentic being. I facilitate these cards as well in meditation sessions, and Reiki sessions. In meditation sessions, the Oracle cards will facilitate an intention to focus on, and in Reiki will facilitate an intention for your healing. My spirit guides relay channeled messages directly to me when I use Oracle Cards. Allow these messages to interact with you in a self activating way. They will bring you structure and love to all the pieces that reside within you.


Mediumship Session

In a Mediumship reading, I will connect with the other-side, my spirit team, your spirit team, loved ones, and ancestors that have passed. It is best to come in without any fear, and the less skeptical you are and open to the experience, the more willing they will be to give you guidance. The connections made are the connections you will be ready for. If you have a specific person in mind, have an intention for that person to appear. Many ancestors can be present here, but I will connect with one at a time. I suggest for your first session to commit to a 30 minute reading. This gives you a taste of what Mediumship is like, and will also give you the time, space, and energy to see if we are also a proper fit. That in a connection is also very important to be mindful of. I am here and open as a facilitator for you, and your loved ones.

Channeling Session with Calle

Everyone of us is connected to an Unseen Friend. I awakened back in 2020-2021 and learned the art of channeling with my beloved Channeling teacher Shawn Randall. Channeling is a journey, and it was a journey getting to know and finally meet my spirit guide Calle. Calle is a Collective Consciousness that taps directly into my auric field, cradles me with love, as I go into a deep trance, and allow them to direct channel a message with my voice. Any of the messages you receive are directly from the Collective Calle, and will be translated as you ask your questions. Calle is a very direct guide and will lead you to understanding what love is. They are kind, gentle, and discerning. For more questions about channeling, you can reach out directly to my e-mail below. Calle is a conduit and facilitator like me. They work with me to work with you.

I am also offering automatic writing messages from Calle via E-mail if you want to have a written message from them, verses having a vocal channeling session at a different price. I suggest starting off here before moving forward in a direct vocal channeling session. E-mail me for more questions!


Reiki Healing Session

Reiki is known as the Universal Life Force Energy that is channeled through our hands. Master Mikao Usui created this powerful treatment that now many people all over the world have learned to give healing on to others. Reiki helps unlock the tension, dis-ease, and discomfort that comes from our conditioning and gives a treatment to your chakras. It helps create the space that is necessary in our bodies to transform into a more peaceful state. There are many layers to uncover in a reiki session. One session will not cover all of these layers and will not be the resolution to all your problems. This only initiates you to start the work inside of yourself you want to bring peace to. For preparation, stay as hydrated as possible, have no expectations, relax and enjoy this transformation you are about to experience. In a session such as reiki, you will be laying down on a massage table on your back, and on your stomach. I will hover my hands over the areas of each chakra and you will receive healing.


Psychic Surgery

Psychic Surgery is a service that I facilitate for you in a way where I read your energetic field. Psychic Surgery is for people that would like to have a reading to identify things going on in their bodies. This is like Reiki, but it is a bit different. This modality opens up your aura and clears out things that have been placed inside of you that can be Intergenerational trauma, trauma caused through situations in which other people outside of your ancestry have been involved, it can bring out and address fears, worries, insecurities and lessons for you to integrate with your permission to understand. My guides and spirit team are with me as I facilitate a safe space for your own healing. They will communicate with me as I step into your auric field and I will deliver the messages as we conduct the clearing. This type of session will awaken things inside of you as long as you are receptive to the layers. This can be a very emotional process. The layers can also be heavy and my spirit team and I are here to hold a safe, open and sacred space. There is no judgement for what comes up. If there are any more questions please send me in an e-mail or contact me by phone and we can discuss further if this is the kind of session you feel could help you integrate the healing you want to choose for your own self.


Guided Chakra Meditation

Meditating is such a beautiful modality. In this type of service I facilitate, I will be your guide through a journey of your own healing. I facilitate a session with the possibilities of you being able to learn how to quiet your mind. This can also bring up emotions, maybe even tears or overdue relaxation from the constant “GO-GO-GO” in life. Meditation is beautiful, but a lot of us struggle with learning how to meditate because at times you may feel like you need to reach the goal of being completely calm in one instant. This idea is not at all an ideal concept to grasp. If you are interested in a guided meditation that will help you learn how to ease your own muscles tension, discomfort or really any racing thoughts, I will give you tools on what you can do to deepen your meditation practice. Shadow work is also involved in my Guided meditation classes, one to one. In a guided meditation, please be prepared with a journal and pen, either a comfortable meditation pillow, or chair, and make sure your posture is straight, even if you need to be supported with a wall. I suggest having a chair because this helps your feet feel one with the earth, and you have more support behind your back as the chair can help you sit upright. This is honestly one of the first sessions you may want to start with because it will help you become aware of your body. It also will teach you the concepts of the chakras, where the 7 are located and the color the chakra correlates with. Most importantly, this will give you access to feeling more in control of your breathe. The inhale and the exhale is the most important thing while you are meditating. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you have about my one to one meditation sessions. There are classes now available also in groups over zoom. For more information about group classes, please click on the classes link above.


House Clearings

A house clearing is clearly up for your own intention on what you will like this to be. If you are experiencing activity, disharmony and are simply trying to find answers or a solution for the balance of your life and home, this is a session for you. If you just moved into a new place, and want to clear residual energy, this session is for you. If this is an honoring ceremony for a passed loved one, or a clearing for the intention of healing your vibration in your home that ties to generational karmic patterns from ancestors, etc. this is the session for you. A house clearing is any type of healing or clearing that you ultimately let go and leave the intention for what it is you want to manifest in your own home and life to feel balanced. This not only clears the energy in the home but gives you a clearing to see things in a different perception as well. Guidance is added, reiki is added, and more types of healing are added in a session as such. Stay open with the intention is all that is required.

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